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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

First Kayak Ride

Hello there my little blog friends- if there are any still out there ;) Just know while the blog has been ignored, it hasn't been out of my mind. Just need to make some new priorities and slot some time out each week to make some posts! I won't promise anything, but hopefully you will see more of the Apedaile6 in your world soon!

This past weekend we had a company gathering for my work. It was hosted by the owner at her beautiful home that sits on the lake. Having access to the lake, the kids all enjoyed several water activities.

 Lindsay and Courtney geared up in their life jackets.

 Lindsay's first voyage on a kayak.

 All smiles!
 Courtney headed out behind Lindsay.

The girls on their adventure to explore the nearby cove.

 Lindsay was pretty fast in the water- we think it was because her kayak was longer.

 She was a natural!

 Courtney laughing as she brought up the rear.

 JT got ready to have a mini ride with Lindsay.

This photo pretty much sums up how the ride went.There was enough space for both of them, but JT wasn't a fan of having to sit still. He said he had enough and Lindsay came back to the shore. 

1 comment:

  1. You can not imagine how excited I was to see new posts!!! Welcome back!
