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Monday, December 7, 2009

Lindsay's 12th Birthday

The last year before Lindsay Marie turns into a teen! My, the time goes by so fast! I remember when about 10 years ago most of what we heard Lindsay say was "mine!", or refer to herself as "Beezy Apedaile". Why she was able to say her last name so clear but had a hard time with Lindsay still makes me laugh :)

Lindsay still has quite the creative soul as you will see her turkey creation made out of Lego's below. She decided to make this Thanksgiving/Birthday morning getting inspiration from a turkey picture she did in math on graph paper. I was quite impressed to see her work- I don't think I would be able to come up or create this even now! Also, I have a picture of her penguin pillow she made in teen living. She again loved making this and enjoyed learning how to use the sewing machine at school.

Lindsay especially enjoyed having Thanksgiving this year land on her birthday. This hasn't happened since her 1st birthday. We did all of her presents before the meal and let her choose her dessert- Oreo chocolate pie we made together- to accompany the pumpkin pie. It was a great day to celebrate Lindsay's birthday!

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