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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

JT's 5th Birthday

  This week we celebrated our youngest Apedaile turning 5! One whole hand!!! Five feels so big, yet it is still so small in the grand scheme of things.
JT woke up to a house decorated just for him.
Daddy decided to photo bomb the mini photo shoot I was trying to get in before heading to VBS.

JT had a fun day at church at VBS. He also loved wearing his Birthday Boy button and all of the "Happy Birthday's" that came as result.
The birthday boy chose McDonDon's as he calls it for his special dinner. The happy meal made for a happy boy.
After dinner we came home for an evening swim. We wanted to wait for Sarah to get home from her day of work from nursing to open presents. Lots of "5" photos were taken.

Birthday balloons


Sarah arrived home and it was PRESENT TIME!!!!

Working 12 hour shifts for 5 days in a row made for little shopping and wrapping, so Sarah went with the close your eyes and be surprised approach.

Diving rings! Yes, this is something JT is already using! I can't wait to share with you just how quickly he has taken to the water just by having the easy access of a personal pool. I'm quite amazed at his progress.

Courtney's present.

Angry Birds treats!

Water squirt toys- how fun!

First part of Lindsay's present- it confused JT a bit.

JT knew right away what this gift was.

"Are you serious?!?" - what JT asked Lindsay.

She gifted JT with her Kindle. Since she now has her i"stuff" she doesn't really use the Kindle much so she loaded it up with some fun games and educational things for JT to use.
JT is one lucky brother to have such caring and generous sisters.

Time for Nanny and Aunt Cathy's gift!

Love the special card and wrapping.

It's his own personal alligator!!!

JT has already been wrangling his gator in the pool and I'll be posting about that soon. He loves it and even his sisters have been riding it.

Mommy and Daddy started off with a colorful pinwheel. JT really loves these beautiful spinning things.

A large garbage bag topped with a silver bow- JT approved.

However, what the bag was hiding was much better!

JT's first pedal bike!

Since he has mastered and outgrown his Strider balance bike, it's time for the big leagues! Looking forward to seeing how he does on this. I'm thinking he won't be using the training wheels very long- just enough to master the pedals- something balance bikes don't have.

JT chose this awesome Star Wars mini cake surrounded by cupcakes. I know Aunt Cathy would approve of this cake, yes.

Ready to listen to his family sing their hearts out to him.
The wish...
the blowout...

may all of your wishes come true, JT.

It's fun to be 5!

How cute is this boy?

 Love him to pieces!
A photo collage I made for Instagram of JT on each of his birthday's. Started with the day he was born. Happy 5th Birthday JT!!!


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