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Tuesday, June 21, 2011


     The Apedaile house has been a little less lively since Friday. Courtney and Lindsay left for middle school camp Friday morning with our church. They will return tomorrow afternoon after nearly 6 days at Horn's Creek- about 3.5 hours southeast of here. John joined the camp for the weekend to help but had to return home for work this week.

 Here are the girls getting ready to head out- JT woke up early to say goodbye to his sisters.

 Sarah took the girls and did a great job of taking some "Mom photos" for me.  Lindsay and Courtney unloading their bags.

 Lindsay in front of her assigned bus #10

Courtney was right behind on bus #11

 In case you were wondering if we really had 11 buses, no we didn't- there were 12 charter buses to bring about 650 campers! Keep in mind this is just middle school students! This is easily the largest event for the student ministry every summer.

 While we haven't had any contact with the girls since they left, the church does a great job of uploading photos every day of the events. Here is Courtney at a large group gathering cheering.

Here is Lindsay, along with her friend Sydney, at the wave pool. I'm sure Lindsay will be thrilled I'm publishing this photo, but it's the only one I have at this point :)

     We are looking forward to hearing about how God worked at camp and the incredible way He blessed the students, leaders, and volunteers.

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