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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Toddler bed progress?

     As you know, it has been a week since we converted JT's crib to a toddler bed. All in all it hasn't been bad, but there have been some challenges we have had to deal with. I have taken some pictures to show what we have been working on.

     One of the largest changes that I have had to adapt to is nap time. When he was in the crib, we kept the door shut, mainly to help with noise control with 3 sisters in the house. Apparently this needed to change for John Thomas now that he is in his toddler bed. Here is how I found him during one nap time-

 I felt so bad for him sleeping in his doorway on the floor.

 Upon close inspection you can see his big board book on the bottom, pillow pet, and a yellow car in hand.

 Look at how close to comfort he is.. the bed was just waiting to be used.

 Did I move him? Nope! I was too frightened that I would rouse him and then he wouldn't sleep at all.

 This is the result of a little 2 year old who doesn't get enough sleep. JT hasn't been getting as many total hours for about a week, maybe 2-4 hours short each day. He has been not napping as long and in the morning he has been waking about 1-1.5 hours earlier than normal. This can make for a tired, cranky toddler in the morning.

 Yesterday I finally clued in and started out nap with the door open. I went downstairs to make my lunch and could hear pitter patter footsteps above. I went back up to make sure he wasn't up to trouble. Thankfully he had just grabbed one of his board books (I only have about 5 books in there now) and sat back on his bed to read. Also thankful that JT didn't see me because that usually upsets him.
About 10 minutes later... out like a light!!!

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