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Saturday, August 14, 2010


Being a family of 6, there is rarely a quiet moment or one lacking excitement minus when we are all sleeping. While we each are a go, go, go type of person most of the day, nobody can match JT's energy.  I've said it a million times, I don't know where toddlers get their energy and how they can keep so busy for so long each and every day. I think researchers should look into this and if they could bottle it up, it would be worth $$$.

Here are two videos showing our BUSY boy. The first one is JT kicking one of his balls. Balls are one of his favorite toys. I think he's pretty talented in the kicking/dribbling department. This particular video was taken at 6:30 am!!! Yep, this kid starts early and with gusto!

The second is from earlier this week when JT discovered his new talent of the week- pushing/knocking objects over. He knocked over dining chairs, the trash can several times (grr), and this toy shopping cart.  *Sorry the video box is so small for this video, it came from my phone*For an extra bonus, JT likes to crawl up on top of the cart and either kick his legs or stand on occasion. This boys keeps us all on our toes at all moments :)

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